Our Stories

In this three-minute read, we look at what can go wrong if you side-step tenant reference checks and wind up with a bad tenant.   New landlords often flirt with the idea of ditching traditional tenant selection processes and taking a DIY approach instead. After all, there...

In this three-minute read, we share six top tips for successful camping trips in Herefordshire, Shropshire and Powys.   Friday 2 July sees the start of the UK’s National BBQ Week – one of the Great British public’s favourite pastimes. Whether it’s bangers, halloumi burgers or spicy...

Three-minute read to help you consider the Help to Buy Scheme from all angles. The Help to Buy scheme is a government-backed equity loan opportunity. It is also referred to as ‘shared equity’. The scheme is currently only available on new build properties. The loan from the...

In this three-minute read, we look at why regular inspections should be central to your property management strategy.   When you’re a busy landlord juggling a multitude of responsibilities, it’s easy to let a crucial part of managing a property – regular inspections – slide. Landlords usually...