Our Stories

In this two-minute read, we look at useful information which you might want to share with your agent to satisfy inquisitive buyers. You can often tell whether a viewer is keen on a property from the questions they ask. And in our experience, the more...

In this two-minute read, we look at how landlords can foster a good rapport with tenants.   Every successful landlord needs a rock-solid tenant retention plan or what we like to call “a happy tenant strategy”. This is because happy tenants are loyal tenants. And loyal tenants...

A two-minute read.   A landlords’ advice article published recently said property investors need to think more like the Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. The billionaire businessman is renowned for his long-term thinking. He thinks decades ahead, and let’s face it, he’s not doing too bad, is he?...

In this two-minute read, we look at how to get ready for the changes that lie ahead as restrictions continue to ease.   With the end to our arduous Covid hibernation in sight, it’s time to prepare for life in the “new normal”. While the prospect of...