22 Apr Coronavirus Update for landlords
In this two-minute read, we share five resources which landlords may find helpful during the extended lockdown period.
It’s a bewildering time for most people.
At COBB AMOS we’re working hard to ensure our landlords and tenants are as well informed as possible. Following the initial shock since lockdown was announced last month, the situation has calmed down, but we’re still monitoring it daily.
We’ve sourced five websites and articles you might find helpful during lockdown.
Government Advice
The Government has created several documents explaining its position and offering guidance. The main page is: COVID-19 and renting: guidance for landlords, tenants and local authorities and is linked below. It features several downloadable documents.
Gas Safe Register
The Gas Safe Register is the official Gas registration organisation for the UK. By law, all gas engineers need to be on its register. Last week it released an update on Government advice around the Coronavirus and the responsibilities of landlords and gas safety.
This is Money Article
There’s been lots of coverage in the media around landlords and rental properties since the outbreak started. One of the more useful articles we read was from the This is Money website. It covers a range of topics including how to apply for a buy to let mortgage holiday. The link to it is below.
Residential Landlords Association
This campaigning organisation for residential landlords features a website with regularly updated news and other information.
Speak with Us
Often, it’s easier to get answers to your questions by speaking with people in the know. We’re spending much of our time right now answering questions like those you may have and helping landlords and tenants during this challenging period.
So, if you want to have a chat about any concerns you have or need guidance, please give us a call on 01432 266007 or email info@cobbamos.com
We’re here to hep get you through this and come out the other side safely.
Stay safe, stay at home, protect the NHS, and save lives.